Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lord Have Mercy

"Let those who fear the Lord now say,
'His mercy endures forever."

Psalm 118:4

Two women were talking about their problems. One said, "You know, when my problems get to be too much, I know that I need God's help, but I really don't know how to pray." The other woman said, "It may sound too simple for you, but I pray these words, 'Lord have mercy.' It's a short prayer, but God seems to answer it every time. God is always merciful to me." The woman was right. God is not impressed with long prayers. God is impressed that we believe in His mercy. The psalmist taught that God's mercy endures forever.

All that we have, and that we are, is at the hand of God's enduring mercy. Psalm 118:4 focuses on God's mercy for those who fear Him. That does not mean that we are frightened by God. It does mean that we hold Him in awe, and utmost reverence and respect. He is God, beside whom there is no other. All that we are, and all that we have, is in God's hands. Those who reject God, and those who refuse to reverence Him, see absolutely no need for His mercy. Unbelief says, "There is no God who will give me mercy." Faith says, "His mercy endures forever."

Do you need God's help in your life? Have situations in life overwhelmed you, and caused you to feel helpless? God's help is available. But, you may say, "I don't deserve God's help. I haven't always done the right thing." Mercy is God's help for those who don't deserve it. But, you may say, "I don't really know how to pray for God's help. I don't know what to say to God." There is a word from God to you. "Let those who fear the Lord now say, 'His mercy endures forever." This is our prayer, "Lord have mercy."

Prayer: Lord have mercy.