Sunday, July 14, 2024

God's Mercy for You

He was accused and condemned before the Judge of all mankind. The list of things he had done wrong was long. He knew that they were all true. His plea before the Judge could be nothing but guilty. Then, mercy pleaded upon his behalf. Mercy won the case. Mercy saved him. He was forgiven because of mercy.

God's mercy for you is in Jesus. He has never lost a case in the courtroom of heaven. He pleads on behalf of sinners. He has a right to do just that. He shed His blood for all our sins at the cross. Mercy there was great and grace was free. God's mercy is received at the cross of Jesus for all who trust in Him.

There is no hope for guilty sinners outside the mercy of God. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Mercy is to the glory of God. Mercy in Christ saves you from the judgment of your sins to the praise of His glory (Ephesians 1:12).  

God's mercy is sufficient to take away all your sins. God's mercy for you means all your sins are forgiven. Your fear is turned into love. Your condemnation is dismissed. Mercy in Christ alone makes things right between God and you. Mercy always comes into your life, when you trust the Lord Jesus Christ. That's God's mercy for you.