Thursday, January 31, 2013

Enter God's Presence

"Come before His presence with singing."

Psalm 100:2

A certain boy was impatient in church services. He said to his dad, "Why don't they cut the singing out? We could get out of church in half the time." His dad said, "Son, singing in church is important, because we are singing for the Lord. The Bible says to enter His presence with singing." Singing has always been an important part of worship. Singing songs, hymns, and choruses of praise to the Lord invites the awareness of His presence. God's people have always had a song. God's people will have a song forever. Forever in a place called heaven, God's people will sing forth the praise of His glory.

As people entered the gates to the courtyard of the temple, they came singing. The Old Testament book known as Psalms was the hymnbook of God's children, coming before Him in worship. Real worship enters the presence of the living God. We become aware of His presence. That's the reason the psalmist said, "Come before His presence with singing."  Worship is meeting in the presence of God. When we do, our hearts are touched and our lives are changed. In God's eternal tomorrow, there will be no more preaching nor teaching, but the singing of God's praise will go on, even forever and ever, world without end.

Many long years ago on the streets of Chicago, a young man heard people from the Salvation Army singing the Lord's song. He remembered his mother's faith and prayers. He had wandered far from God. The singing touched his heart, bringing him to repentance. That day, his life was changed by the grace of God. God's Spirit used a song to change his life. He became a preacher. He was known as one of the great preachers of his generation. His name was Billy Sunday. He entered the presence of God on a street in Chicago, because he heard God's people singing.

Prayer: Lord, put Your song of praise in our hearts, now and forever. We enter into Your presence with singing, in Jesus name. Amen.