Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Watch for Open Doors

Jesus said, "Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, 
for they are already white for harvest."

John 4:35

A man was combing his hair, looking into his reflection in a glass door. Another man was coming out of the building, not paying attention, he opened the door and hit the other man. The accident happened because neither one lifted their eyes. Sometime we are so interested in looking at ourselves, that we never see the doors God is opening in our lives. Wide open opportunities from God become painful events rather than blessings. We simply don't see what God is doing.

Jesus talked with the woman at the well, while his disciples went to find food. Jesus saw an opportunity for ministry. The disciples were only looking for something to eat. Jesus told them to lift up their eyes and see a harvest of people needing God. The opportunity is in the eye of the beholder. Some people never see opportunities in life. God's providence in our lives is daily giving us opportunities for learning and serving. He's at work all around us.

We certainly need to look in the mirror from time to time. Yet, we need to lift up our eyes and see the doors opening for us. If we don't, life only becomes a painful experience again and again. Lift up your eyes. God is at work in your life. Watch for the open doors.
Father, give us eyes to see Your providence in our lives. We want to see open doors of opportunity, through Jesus Christ. Amen.