"Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven."
Psalm 119:89
Years ago I visited a large church in another state. As I entered the foyer, I read these words on the wall in large golden letters, "Jesus said it. I believe it. That settles it." Someone said to me, "It should have read, 'Jesus said it. That settles it.' Whether we believe it or not, it's settled." So it is in heaven. The word of the LORD is settled forever in heaven.
In a court of law, a witness is required to raise his right hand and repeat an oath to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. To do otherwise is to be in contempt of court and face a jail sentence. God has given us His covenant word with an oath. It cannot be changed. It is settled forever in heaven. God enters into a contract or covenant with all who trust in His name. His word cannot be broken.
As we read the Bible, we read the covenant promises of God for all believers. Our eternal destiny is based completely upon the settled word of the LORD in heaven. Our expectations of answered prayer are also based on God's unchanging word. You have probably heard the saying, "A man's word is his bond." That may not always be true with people, but with God you can count on His word today, tomorrow and forever! God's word is settled.
LORD, we trust Your word now and always.