Monday, June 24, 2013

Life Eternal for You

"He who hears My word,
and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life."

John 5:24

Eternal life is a gift of God through His Son Jesus Christ. Like any gift, it cannot be bought nor earned. It can only be received or rejected. This gift of eternal life comes to us through believing the word of the Lord. A boy once asked his dad, "How does the Lord know if we really believe or not?" His father replied, "Son, God knows all things, and He knows the thoughts of our minds and hearts. He knows if we really believe, because He gives us the faith to believe."

The very faith we have to believe Christ for eternal life is a gift of the Spirit of God working in our hearts. It's one of three abiding gifts of the Spirit, including faith, hope, and love" (1 Cor. 13:13).

Our assurance of eternal life is based on our faith in the word of Christ. A woman said to her minister, "Sometime I doubt my salvation. I wonder if I have enough faith." Her minister said, "It's not how much faith you have. It's in whom you have your faith. Our faith is in Christ and not ourselves." She had never thought of it that way. Her doubts were gone. She was sure of eternal life in Christ alone.

A boy had received Christ as his Savior and Lord. He said to his mother, "Eternal life must be a long, long time." His mother replied, "Son, eternal life is the life of God forever. It means that we have a relationship with Him forever." That's true. Eternal life is a personal relationship with God (John 17:3). Even death cannot destroy that relationship (Romans 8:39).

Lord Jesus, we receive life eternal through Your word.