Tuesday, October 29, 2013

When We Suffer

"That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection,
and the fellowship of His sufferings."

Philippians 3:10

She was diagnosed with cancer. She continued to receive chemotherapy. Her support group for cancer patients had encouraged her. Most of all, her faith became more meaningful than ever. She meditated upon daily readings from the Bible. She had the opportunity to encourage others and share her faith in Christ. Often, she would pray with others who needed faith, hope and love. 

Her ministry to other cancer patients became well known. People sought her out for hope and encouragement, as well as understanding. She often said, "I would have never wanted to be a cancer patient, but God has brought so many blessings out of it for me. I have learned how to love and encourage others. My faith has grown stronger."

No one wants to suffer, but the apostle Paul understood that he had the fellowship of Christ's suffering. God was using the suffering in his life to bring faith and hope to others. Suffering is usually seen through the eyes of fear. Paul was able to see his suffering through the eyes of faith. It became another way for communion or fellowship with Christ to help others.

Are you facing suffering at this time? It need not be physical. It could be financial, emotional, social or many other ways. Don't waste it. Let Christ use it in your life to bless others with faith, encouragement and hope. Fellowship with those who hurt like you can be a powerful ministry to bring purpose into your life. Don't waste your fellowship of suffering.

Father, use us to encourage others.