Friday, December 12, 2014

Your Conscience

What is your conscience saying to you? At one time or another, conscience calls you to recognize your sins. It's at that point you may discover God's mercy or seek to silence the voice of conscience. Ignoring your conscience, continuing in the same sin, eventually numbs the conscience. Judgment begins when the conscience is silenced.

Adamantly refusing to listen to your conscience hardens your heart against God. Hear the voice of conscience. It's a warning that something is wrong in your life. Ignore the warning at your own peril. Your moral warning system becomes inactive.

When you seek God's mercy, it is available. Jesus told the story of a man who found God's mercy through a simple one sentence prayer. He simply prayed, "God be merciful to me a sinner." Jesus declared that he was justified, made right with God because of mercy. Always allow your conscience to lead you to God's mercy.

"Their conscience also bearing witness,
and between themselves
their thoughts accusing or else excusing them."

Romans 2:15