Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Find Faith Strong

Are you a person of faith, that is faith in God? Would you say that your faith is strong or weak? Do you know how to find faith strong? For your faith to be strong, you must know the strong foundation for faith. Some people look to their feelings for strong faith. They are soon disappointed, because feelings change fast. Others look to unusual experiences for strong faith. However, those experiences are rare and soon become only a memory.

Faith is given, received, and exercised by all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish" (Hebrews 12:2, NLT). The Holy Spirit makes Christ real in the hearts of people by faith. Faith is a personal relationship with Christ, enabled by God's Spirit, "for the Holy Spirit gave you full assurance" (1 Thessalonians 1:5, NLT).

Find faith strong through the word of God. Doubting the truth of the Bible, weakens your faith. Standing on the promises of God found in your Bible, strengthens your faith. Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God works through the word of God, that you may find faith strong. The sure foundation to stand upon to find faith strong is nothing less than the promises of God in Christ.

Find faith strong when you exercise it. Faith is action. It obeys the word of God. Faith worships, prays, ministers, and receives the promises of God. Faith is active, not passive. It does the will of God, looking unto Jesus. You can find faith strong.