Sunday, May 22, 2016

When Mercy Shows Up

So, you've tried to change your life. You've read the recent self-help books on positive thinking and being successful in life. Maybe you got excited for a while, but then reality showed you that life had not really changed for you. So, you thought it was time to use will power. You tried harder. Looking for a secret to try as hard as you could to change your life, but the results were the same, more disappointment.

Now, you've given up on changing your life. Maybe that's just the way life has to be for you? There's no way out? Why try anymore? Accept the inevitable? That's when mercy shows up. Mercy has power to change your life. Mercy has power to change your circumstances. Mercy has power to change your destiny. Mercy has power, because mercy comes from God.

God doesn't change things for you because you try hard, and maybe even harder. Maybe you've said, "God helps those who help themselves." You've tried hard and you're tired of running. You recognize your weakness and inability. That's when mercy shows up. "So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy" (Romans 9:16).

It's not about your will but God's will. It's not about your strength but God's strength. God allows you to run until you can't run any more. That's when mercy shows up. It's God who shows mercy. Ask God for mercy in your life. He is merciful.