God can do great and mighty things that you know not, but only faith can receive. The promises of God must be mixed with faith to work in your life. Take God at His Word.
Don't let unbelief rob you of the blessings of God. Unbelief is defined in the Bible as sin. Faith is a gift of God's Spirit for you. It's always a gift to receive and exercise. Unbelief refuses the gifts and blessings of God.
An illustration of faith is to see it like a muscle in the body. You are born with a muscular system. That's a gift from God, but you must choose to exercise those muscles to become stronger. So it is with faith. You are born again by grace through faith. Faith is the gift of God, but you must exercise it.
We forfeit the promises of God in the Bible, when we refuse to exercise our faith. Trust God according to His word of promise. Don't let unbelief rob you of entering into the blessings of God. Beware of unbelief.
"So we see that they were not able to enter,
because of their unbelief."
Hebrews 3:19 NIV