Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Fear Not

Fear is an enemy that robs your mind of peace. Fear drains the joy out of life. Fear would have you believe that he cannot be defeated in your life. Don't believe fear. There is one sure way to overcome fear. Faith in God will work without fail. Faith wins every time, because faith walks with God. He says to you, "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God" (Isaiah 41:10).

Faith understands that God is everywhere. Faith knows that God rules over all. Faith can trust God in every situation of life. More than that, faith is sure that God works all things together for good to those who love Him. Fear can only tempt you to deny the truth about God. When your faith knows who God is, fear is immediately overcome.

Fear is never the primary problem. It is only the symptom of a greater problem. The real problem is not knowing how faith in God works in your life. Faith is the answer to fear. Faith knows who God really is. Faith believes God, when He says, "I am with you." Our eyes cannot see God, but faith knows He is there. Our hands cannot reach out and touch God, but faith is sure that He is always present.

It is not God's will for you to live in fear. He says to you, "Fear not . . . I am with you." Faith always believes the promise of God. Unbelief never does. Unbelief will usher you into the presence of fear, sooner or later. To the contrary, faith will lead you into the presence of God. That's the reason faith overcomes fear.