Monday, November 28, 2016

The Power of Truth

People of the lie live by what is not true, even though they think surely it must be. The lie promises pleasure and self-satisfaction. It delivers deception and disappointment. The lie builds sand castles upon the shore of fantasy. It promises great and exciting things. The lie blinds people to the truth. It binds people to empty promises. The lie baits its victims with lust that can never find lasting satisfaction.

All people have been victims of the lie in some form or fashion, until they are made free by the truth. The darkness of the lie is always defeated in the light of truth. The lie loses its grip on those who see the truth. For blind eyes to see, comes through a transformation through truth. It's a conversion to the God of all truth. Jesus said, "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).

After a person's conversion to the truth, the battle is not over. People of the truth are tempted by the lie. They are attacked by the lie. They are vexed by people who mock and slander the truth. They feel cultural pressure to compromise the truth. Yet, the truth is a shelter and safe haven against all the lies.

Truth brings benefits to people that the lie can never afford. Truth brings freedom, peace, and security. Truth never changes, because God changes not. His word of truth is forever the same. God's Son reveals the truth that delivers victims of the lie. Jesus said, "Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed" (John 8:36).