Saturday, December 10, 2016

Your Future Revealed

Some people are doubtful about hope, thinking that it's only based on wishful thinking. False hope is nothing but deception. True hope must be based upon the solid foundation of a guarantee that's beyond doubt. Faith and hope are always yoked together. They stand or fall together. Faith that receives hope is able to trust a personal promise. Only God can make such a promise.

God's promises to believers are recorded in the Bible. Time can never change God's promises. God is your future and the hope for your future. Faith can trust God unlike any other. Faith and hope find absolute confidence in God alone.

Your faith in God for today and your hope in God for the future are gifts from God. He not only makes sure promises, but God gives you the faith and hope to rest in those promises. Faith and hope are abiding gifts of God's Spirit in your heart. God alone is the solid foundation upon whom faith and hope stand.

Faith and hope bond with God's greatest gift from the Holy Spirit. Love, God's everlasting love, makes the believer's hope sure. God loves His children with an unconditional love that is steadfast and true. Herein you discover the solid foundation upon which faith and hope stand. Love is the guarantee for faith and hope that's sure. "Now abide faith, hope, and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love" (1 Corinthians 13:13). Your future is faith, hope, and love in God.