Friday, February 22, 2019

Fellowship with God

Who is worthy to have fellowship with God? You may quickly say, "I'm not." No one is, because we have all sinned. Yet, you can have fellowship with God because of what Jesus has done. He died for your sins. He was raised from the dead to justify you before God.

God's Son Jesus Christ is the key to fellowship with God, "And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ" (First John 1:3, NLT). Coming to God by faith in Jesus Christ opens the door to that fellowship.

Fellowship with God means you have peace with God and peace within. Fellowship with God continues in peace. When you stray from God, lack of peace is your first warning sign. Peace confirms that you are truly in fellowship with God.

The greatest evidence that you have fellowship with God is love. It is the greatest gift of the Holy Spirit working within you. Your love is tested through circumstances and other people. It's easy to love those who love you. God teaches us to love our enemies. That's impossible without fellowship with God.

Fellowship with God means you experience mercy, peace, and love. "Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you" (Jude 2). Mercy invites you into fellowship with God. Peace affirms your fellowship with God. Love is your delight in fellowship with God.