Sunday, April 28, 2019

Grace Changes You

Grace has the power to change any life. Grace has all power, because God is gracious. So many look to laws and rules to change people and society. Law may dictate to you how you should live, what you should do or not do. Nevertheless, the law is powerless to change the hearts and lives of people.

The power of grace is the power of God. Grace is far more than a theological term or a religious song. Grace is about God Himself. He is the God of all grace. His grace is undeserved favor that we can never earn nor merit. We all fall short of God's law. 

Grace alone changes your heart. Grace changes you from within. Grace renews your mind, dismisses the guilt of your conscience, and restores your will to do God's good will. Grace is sufficient for your every need. Law can tell you what you ought to be; grace can make you what you need to be.

Grace takes the person who cannot believe and gives him faith. Grace finds those who are hopeless and gives them hope. Grace finds a person without God and brings him to God. Grace cannot be bought, earned, nor deserved. Grace freely gives you favor with God through Jesus Christ. "And of His fullness we have received, and grace for grace" (John 1:16).