Thursday, April 25, 2019

Know The Truth

The lie has power to control the lives of people. It deceives its victims without hesitation and threatens them with all manner of false thoughts. The influence of the lie is worldwide to control groups and nations. The lie needs no evidence and never produces good fruit. It ruins the lives of its victims with great delight. The power of the lie is deceiving people to believe it.

The power of the lie is easily broken in the face of truth. The lie of darkness is immediately dismissed in the light of truth. The eyes of those enslaved to the lie are opened. They see the truth for themselves. Instantly, their lives are changed. One ray of light from the truth pierces the darkness. Victims of the lie are awakened to the truth. The chains of the lie are broken, because truth sets the prisoner free.

Those who are set free from the lie are highly motivated to share the truth with others. They get a variety of responses. Some are satisfied with the darkness of the lie. It's all they have ever known. Others mock the truth, because they think it's too good to be true. Yet, there are those whose eyes are opened to the truth with the joy of freedom. 

Let me introduce you to the truth. His name is Jesus. He delights in setting the prisoners free. He is the true light conquering the lie of darkness. Jesus says to you, "If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:31-32).