Monday, February 24, 2020

Faith or Unbelief?

Faith understands that God cannot be seen by the eyes of man. Those who refuse faith cannot know God nor please God. They have made a choice to live in unbelief. Faith will always lead you to God; unbelief rejects God.

Unbelief may boast of intellectual superiority over those who walk with faith. Unbelief may even mock and sneer at those who walk with faith. Unbelief adamantly argues that the idea of God is myth and ignorance. Unbelief denies life after death. Unbelief is sure that this life is an accident with no real purpose.

Faith knows that God is real. Those who have faith see creation that requires a Creator. Faith knows that there is a God to satisfy the longing of man's heart. Faith does not demand to see God. Faith knows God through a personal relationship. Faith leads you to trust God, to call upon God, and rely upon God's help in your life.

Faith comes always and only as a gift from God. The Spirit of God will place faith in your heart as an abiding gift. Look to the Son of God to receive faith, "looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2). Call upon Him. Ask Him to give you faith. He is the author of all true faith. The choice is obvious. Unbelief rejects God; faith knows God.