Sunday, July 16, 2023

In All Your Problems

In all your problems, see God's grace at work in your life. If we never had any problems, we may be tempted to believe that we could live without God's grace. There is no question that we will have problems in life. Trust God's grace through them all.

Grace simply means God's unmerited favor for you. We don't deserve it. We could never earn it. God is gracious. He delights in giving His favor. God's grace gives you salvation in Christ. Grace also gives you favor from God to sustain you in the problems of life. God says to you, My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Grace may not cause all your problems to go away. Grace will give you God's favor and strength to get through difficult times. As a believer, grace will always give you strength sufficient for every trial and problem. Do you have problems today? Remember, God's grace or favor is sufficient for every problem without exception.

Ask for God's grace through all your problems. He will give you strength through His grace. Your times of trouble will give you the opportunity to experience His strength. He is not reluctant to give you grace. You may consider your problems unbearable. It certainly could be without God's grace. His grace brings mercy, new found strength, favor with God and man. Grace comes that the power of Christ may rest upon you (2 Corinthians 12:9).