Friday, August 9, 2024

God's Grace to You

God's grace to you gives rain with fruitful seasons. Every provision is God's grace to you. God saves you from the law of sin and death by grace through faith in Christ. God works in and through you to do His will by grace. You are sustained through the hard times by God's grace. All of life is God's grace to you.

Your testimony as a believer echoes the words of the apostle Paul. But by the grace of God I am what I am,  and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me (First Corinthians 15:10). That's God's grace to you.

Grace to you is unmerited favor. There is no way you can merit nor earn the favor of God. It comes to you only as a gift to be freely received. Faith in Jesus Christ receives the grace of God. Don't fall for the idea that you can somehow be good enough to merit God's favor. Grace is not for good people. Grace is for sinners, and that includes all of us.

The only way that you can have a personal relationship with God is by grace through faith. He must reveal himself to you and in you. That has been appropriately called amazing grace. It's not what you do for God. It's what God has done for you in Christ. All you are, or ever hope to be, is by God's grace to you.