Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Think about Your Future

What do you think about your future? You may think of it as bad or think the future will not be as good as days gone by. People seem to make their minds up, even though none of us can predict what may be in our future.

Job was a man who went through incredibly hard times and difficult days. Yet, we read these words about him. So the Lord blessed Job in the second half of his life even more than in the beginning (Job 42:12, NLT). Through difficult days, Job had his best days in the future.

God bless your future. It's really in God's hands. That doesn't mean that you should not plan and prepare. It does mean that the providence of God rules over all the days of your life. Expect his blessings. Look for God's goodness ahead. 

For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation (Psalm 100:5). Believe in God's love and goodness for your future. Rely upon his faithfulness to you. Trust God with your future. He changes not.

Think about your future as good, if you believe in the goodness of God. As a child of God, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, God will bless you in the future.