Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Be Kind to Others

Be kind to others. It won't cost you anything. Sooner or later, it will pay rich dividends in your relationships. It's not always easy to be kind. Many people may see it as a sign of weakness. Not so, it is a sign of spiritual strength and power. It is a characteristic of the Holy Spirit working through your life. But the fruit of the Spirit is ... kindness (Galatians 5:22).

Be kind to others and draw people to you. Friends are kind to each other. The world comes short of kindness in most places. Kindness is the fragrance of God's presence in your life. So many people don't know God in a personal relationship. God wants to work through you to draw people to himself. Try kindness and make a difference in the lives of others.

Selfishness has never understood kindness. Selfishness says, Why should I be kind to others? Nobody is kind to me. Kindness says, God has done something in me. I want everybody to know how good God is. God works kindness through you to show his kindness to others.

You may say, It's just not my nature to be kind. You are right. Outside of the Holy Spirit working through us, it is not anyone's nature to be kind. However, the fruit of God's Spirit working in us produces kindness. Let God use you. Yield to the Holy Spirit, and be kind one to another (Ephesians 4:32).