Wednesday, September 18, 2024

When Life Is Changing

You live in a world where everything is constantly changing. The weather can change suddenly and unexpectedly. The stock market could crash without the experts knowing it. Your body is constantly changing. A healthy person could become deathly ill in a short time. Styles for clothes, cars, and houses change often. Someone has said, "The only sure thing in life is change."

When your life is changing, you need a sure foundation for living. That can only be God himself. The Bible teaches that he changes not. His nature and attributes change not. Your faith in the Lord is based upon a sure foundation. He changes not. For I am the Lord, I do not change (Malachi 3:6).

The Lord is a sure foundation in life. His character and attributes will never change. His word of promise is forever true. Therefore, you can base your faith, salvation, hope, assurance, prayers, and worship upon the one who changes not.

When your life is changing, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He who is the same forever is a sure foundation in a changing world. His love and mercy for you never changes. He is forever your guide and wisdom through a changing world. Believe his word. Trust his grace. Trust God when your life is changing. He is the same forever!