Monday, October 14, 2024

Your Sure Hope

Hope in other people can easily fail. Hope in your dreams may become an illusion. Hope can become simply a false assumption. Is there any sure hope that cannot fail? Yes is the certain answer, if God alone is your sure hope. You are my hope, O LORD God; You are my trust from my youth (Psalm 71:5).

Your sure hope can trust God when all others fail. Hope finds security for the future in God alone. He cannot fail. Hope in God Almighty is sure and certain. He who sustains life and holds the stars in space is hope secure. Those without faith in God will eventually become hopeless. Hope for you in God will not disappoint.

Many don't have sure hope in God, because they don't understand. Hope is an abiding gift that comes only from the Spirit of God. And now abide faith, hope, and love (1 Corinthians 13:13). Hope always comes with faith and love. Those who know God in a personal relationship know hope. It is hope trusting in God with true faith. It is sure hope for you, through the love of God.

Often people who need help and want to believe things will get better must say, I'm afraid to get my hopes up. They are afraid of being disappointed. When God is your hope, you are not disappointed. God does not disappoint. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us (Romans 5:5). Your sure hope that cannot fail is found only in God.