Saturday, September 22, 2012

Giving Thanks Always

"Giving thanks for all things to God the Father
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Ephesians 5:20

In the restaurant, before the family had their meal, they bowed their heads to thank God for the food. Later, another family was leaving. The father of that family stopped to say, "I'm glad you folks had a prayer before eating your meal. My six year-old son asked, 'Daddy, why don't we ever thank God for our food.' After tonight we will. Thanks for your example."

Thanksgiving is an important part of our prayer life. God has not only given us our food, but everything we have comes from His gracious hand. Giving thanks tells us about our relationship to God. It shows that we are wise enough to know our Provider. It also shows that we understand God's good will. Furthermore, it shows that our hearts are right toward God. Giving of thanks expresses a heart filled with gratitude to God.

Can you think of some reasons to give thanks to God? Thanksgiving is an important part of our worship to God. It opens our hearts toward heaven. It recognizes the true source of all good gifts from above (James 1:17). It honors the goodness and grace of God. Giving thanks always focuses our attention upon God.

Prayer: Father, in all things we give You thanks, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.