Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Return to God

"Let him return to the LORD,
and He will have mercy on him."

Isaiah 55:7

A man made an appointment to meet with a pastor. He said, "I turned away from the Lord after my wife died. I was angry with God because she died. I drifted into all kinds of sin, doing things that I never thought I would ever do. Yet, I've never been really happy in my sin. My conscience bothered me with strong guilt. I want to come back to God, but I don't know how." The pastor said, "You just did. When we turn away from our sinful ways and want to return to God, we have. It's called repentance. You are sorry for your sin and recognize your need for God. He forgives you and pardons you. Welcome home!"

When the prodigal son returned to his father, he was received immediately with joy and restored completely (Luke 15). Jesus told the parable to show how our Father in heaven is merciful and forgiving, when we want to come home to God. The will of God is mercy, because He is full of loving kindness and tender mercy.

Do you know someone who needs to return to the Lord. Be careful not to judge but show mercy and kindness. Put yourself in that person's place. "Restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted" (Galatians 6:1). If you need to return to the Lord, be assured, "He will have mercy."

Prayer: Father, You have received us with mercy. Make us merciful through the Spirit of Christ. Amen.