"He who does not love does not know God,
for God is love."
1 John 4:8
A man said to a seminary professor, "I'm a scientist. I only believe in what science can test and prove. I don't mean to offend you, but I don't believe in God." The professor said, "Do you love your wife and family?" He quickly responded, "Well, of course I do. What does that have to do with it?" The professor then said, "As a scientist, you can't prove love, but you tell me that you love your wife and family. I want to tell you God is love, and he loves you and wants you to know his love." God is love, and to know him is to know real love.
To know God is more than an academic concession that there is some kind of a deity who works in some way in this world. To know God is to experience love. His love comes to us through the Holy Spirit. As we hear the greatest love story ever told in the gospel of Christ, the Holy Spirit can bring the experience of God's love to our hearts (Romans 5:5-8).
He who does not love, does not know the purpose of life. Over the years, I have had several people to say something like this to me as a pastor: "I know God has me here for a purpose. I just don't know what it is." The purpose of life is love, because God is love. To receive God's love, and to share the love of Christ with others through word and deed, is life's highest purpose. Those who don't know love, don't know God, nor God's purpose for their lives. If you believe in God, you believe in love.
Father, we receive your love through Jesus Christ our Lord. Fill us with your love, that you may love others through us, in Jesus name. Amen.