Friday, March 8, 2013

Family Blessings

"And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

Genesis 12:3

A father and mother, along with their nine year old son, were out looking to buy a new house. As they were driving by a house for sale, the son asked, "What's the difference between a house and a home?" The mother said to the son, "Well, I suppose we have been using those words to mean about the same thing, but there really is a difference. A house is just a building. It may be empty or people may live there. A home is really where a family lives like us." No matter where your family calls home, the Bible teaches that God wants to bless all the families of the earth.

How does a family receive the blessings of God. First of all, God ordained the family to be a blessing to each member. Secondly, God promised to bless families through the covenant that He made with Abraham. Most importantly, all the blessings that God wants to give a family comes through faith in His Son Jesus Christ. "That the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:14). How did God bless Abraham? "The LORD had blessed Abraham in all things" (Genesis 24:1). So it is that God has a desire to bless all families of the earth in everything.

Who would not like to have the blessings of God upon their family? That should be everyone. God has a plan for the family. Each member of the family has responsibilities. Ephesians 5:25-6:4 outlines God's plan for the family. Pray for your family. Ask God to bless your family, knowing that it is His will to do so. Your family is important to God. Family blessings are yours according to the covenant with Abraham fulfilled in Christ.
Father, thank You for the many blessings of family life. Bless each member of our family, according to the covenant promise with Abraham,  through Jesus Christ our Lord.