Saturday, June 29, 2013

Direction in Your Life

"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate, 
and broad is the way that leads to destruction, 
and there are many who go in by it."

Matthew 7:13

Are you going in the right direction for your life? We do have a choice. If we make our decision by following the majority, we are probably going the wrong way. If we only choose the easy way, it could be the wrong way. If we only choose our direction in life by what we see, it could lead in the wrong direction. After all, the narrow gate is usually not very attractive.

A man made great sums of money in the financial markets. Everyone wanted to know his secret. Finally, he shared his secret with a few friends. "I sell my stocks when everyone else is buying, and I buy when everyone else is selling. If you follow the crowd, you will be wrong most of the time. If you only follow what looks or feels right, you could lose all." His advice would be considered foolishness by most investors, but over the long term, he had been successful. So it is in life. Jesus taught that the wide gate with the majority was not the right way. It may look right and feel right, but in the end, it's the way to destruction.

Set the direction of your life by faith in the promises of God. The Bible is filled with the wisdom and promises of God. We can trust Him. Faith does not go by what the eye can see, nor what we may feel. Faith doesn't look for the easy way. Faith seeks God's way. Direction in your life is a choice. It is a responsible choice with real consequences. Nobody else can make the choice for you.

Lord Jesus, lead us in Your way.