Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Burdened for a Loved One

"I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart."

Romans 9:2

A mother sat down to talk with her adult son. Before she could say a word, she began to weep. For several minutes she couldn't talk. Her son thought something terrible had happened. He waited in silence. Her tear-stained face turned toward him, and she said, "Son I am so burdened about your life. You need God. He loves you. I pray for you every day." This wayward son had one tear that trickled from his eye down his cheek. He said softly, "Mother, you're right. I've gone as far as I can go. I need God's help." That very day, he prayed with his mother for the first time since his childhood. It was a turning point in his life. It all began with a mother's sorrow and grief for her son.

The apostle Paul had much sorrow for people who did not know Christ in a faith relationship. He had good grief, because it motivated him to continue in prayer and testimony to those who needed Christ. Usually, we don't think about our grief and sorrow being a good thing, much less a God thing. The Holy Spirit worked that burden in the heart of the apostle (Romans 9:1).

Do you have a burden for someone today? It could be a friend or a family member. It may be a person who is sick, brokenhearted, depressed or not a believer in God's love in Christ. Perhaps, it's someone whose life is without meaning and purpose. It could be a person whose life is bound by an addiction. If you have such a burden for someone, consider it God's call to pray and minister to that person. Share your burden with a trusted friend. Let God work through you. It could be good grief, because it is meant to see God's goodness working in someone you love.

God, give grace to our loved ones who have gone astray.