Saturday, September 21, 2013

Feed Your Faith

"Jesus said to him, 'Feed My sheep."

John 21:17

A Christian woman said to her friend, "My faith seems so weak. When I pray, I just don't seem to be strong enough in my faith." Her friend said, "I know what you mean. When I get that way, I go back to the Bible to feed on the Word of God. Then, my faith always seems to grow stronger." 

That woman shared an important truth for all Christians everywhere. Faith becomes weaker, when we ignore a need for a steady diet of God's Word. As the body becomes weak without proper nutrition, so it is with our faith.

Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Feed My sheep." God's people are His sheep. They must be fed. Likewise, we need gifted servants of God to feed us the Word of God. Also, we need to learn how to feed ourselves daily on the truth of Holy Scripture. We become so busy with our daily lives and responsibilities, that we may easily forget our faith needs a daily feeding. Time spent in reading, meditating and praying the Scripture, feeds our faith and strengthens our relationship with God.

There are several ways that we can make sure that we are feeding our faith. One way is not to neglect daily Bible reading. Another way is to be a part of a small group Bible study. Another important way is not to neglect church attendance, where the pastor teaches the Word of God. Also, take advantage of television programs which features a minister who is sound in the Word. Remember the need of food for your faith everyday.

Lord Jesus, feed our faith with the word of truth.