Monday, December 2, 2013

Turn Your Life Around

"Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked,
but now commands all men everywhere to repent."

Acts 17:30

A man and his wife were returning from a vacation. As they were driving down the highway, she said, "I think we are on the wrong road." He quickly said, "I know what I'm doing." He wouldn't even consider the thought of being wrong. She looked at the map and told him that he was going the wrong way. That didn't work either. 

Miles down the highway he saw a welcome sign to the wrong state. He knew that he was wrong. He said not a word, neither did she. He turned the car around to go back seeking the right way. We are like that man. We don't want to admit that we are wrong.

God will not turn our lives around until we admit that we are wrong. His Word, the Bible, is like a road map to show us the right way. We often refuse to listen. Only when we repent will God turn things around for us. Repent is a word which literally means to change the mind. Repentance opens the door to God to change our lives for good. He speaks to our hearts, but the choice is ours.

A change of mind leads to a change of direction in our lives. The new life begins when we are willing to change our minds. We may defend our actions, and refuse to hear the truth, but we simply continue on the wrong road. Repentance is not only the call to turn our lives around, but the command of God for all people everywhere. In the Christian life, we may need to repent about many things along the way. God's blessings come to those who are willing to change their minds. He can turn your life around.

God, turn my life around to receive Your love and grace in Christ Jesus.