"Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God."
Ruth 1:16
Ruth's husband had died. She had to make a decision about returning to her people, who worshiped another god. Instead, she chose to live with her mother-in-law, and remain faithful to her God, the God of Abraham, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. That decision became the most important choice of her life. We read about her again in the New Testament, in the genealogy of Christ. "Salmon begot Boaz by Rahab, Boaz begot Obed by Ruth, Obed begot Jesse" (Matthew 1:5). Her name is forever inscribed in the genealogy of Christ.
God gives us choices in life. Ruth's decision was not only based on her allegiance to her mother-in-law, but she chose to be faithful to the true and living God. That one choice was the defining moment in her life. Little did she know that people like us would be reading about her many centuries later. Her choice was right, because she chose to be faithful to God.
In making decisions in our lives, let us be determined to seek God first. Consider what His Word, the Bible, has to say about every decision. Choose faithfulness to God over compromise and unbelief. Realize that our choices not only affect our lives now, but they may impact others for years to come. Making good decisions in life is always a step of faith.
When we walk with God by faith, the choice is certain and the way is clear. God promises to give us wisdom in making decisions (James 1:5). Unbelief says, "God would never give me wisdom to make decisions. It's all up to me." Doubt says, "I suppose God gives wisdom to some people to make decisions, but I can't be sure that He would for me." Faith says, "God has promised to give me wisdom in making decisions. I receive it."
God, we ask for wisdom and receive it by faith.