Saturday, April 26, 2014

When We Tempt God

"You shall not tempt the LORD your God . . ."

Deuteronomy 6:16

A young minister had decided to move his family to a distant mission field without any promise of income. He said, "I'm trusting God to provide." His pastor said, "That's good. The LORD will provide, if He has called you there and this is His time for you to go. However, if this is your idea and not God's will, then you are tempting Him." They prayed together about his decision. A few days later, the young man came back to his pastor, saying, "I thought that I was showing great faith, but now I realize I was tempting God." However, four years later, that same man took his family to that mission field. Several churches had committed support. God was in it. This time it was a step of faith.

Satan tempted Jesus to jump from the pinnacle of the temple. He even quoted a passage of Scripture to lure Jesus (Psalm 19:11). However, Jesus said, "It is also written, 'You shall not tempt the LORD your God" (Luke 4:12). Satan knew how to twist the meaning of Scripture for his own purpose. Jesus refused to fall for his deception. He obeyed only the command of His Father. Believers should be warned. We can know for sure the will of God our Father as we read the Bible, not just one verse out of context.

We become guilty of tempting God when we try to force Him to do what we want, contrary to His revealed will. Sad but true, sometime tempting God is falsely viewed as great faith. Real faith never tries to manipulate God. To the contrary, genuine faith surrenders to the will of God. 

Father, we surrender to Your word and will.