"Let's forget about ourselves and magnify His name, and worship Him. Worship Him, Christ the Lord." Those words are written in a praise chorus that has been around for a long time. Those words contain the very essence of worship. It's when we momentarily forget about ourselves, only to focus upon the Lord.
Worshiping the Lord is the most unselfish thing that we can do. The ironic thing is this, when we forget about ourselves to focus upon the Lord in praise, prayer, singing and worship, He changes our lives. We are blessed, not because we are selfishly seeking, but because we are focused on the One who alone can bless us.
The psalmist David knew the value of praise to the Lord. He wrote most of the songs of praise that we call the Psalms. He testified about the LORD, "His praise shall continually be in my mouth." He understood that worship is about being focused upon the Lord. He wrote, "Oh, magnify the Lord with me. And let us exalt His name together." Corporate worship can be lifeless and empty, until we focus upon who God is. Then, we experience His goodness. "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8).
Being focused on ourselves may be like eating chocolate candy. It may taste good, and we may love it, but too much can make us sick. So, worship gives us an opportunity to take time out from all our problems, burdens and anxious cares. As a result, God renews our strength and refreshes us with His presence. Don't be satisfied to worship only once a week. Make worship a daily part of your life. As David put it, "His praise shall continually be in my mouth."