Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Singing to the Lord

In that church, the largest Sunday evening attendance was always on the first Sunday of every month. The reason was obvious. That's the night the children's choir always sang. Now, they were not the most educated, best trained choir in the church. No one expected them to be. However, no choir sang with more joyful excitement than those precious children. They were singing from their hearts to the Lord, and everyone knew it. I've got an idea that the Father above received their singing with joy in heaven. Let us go and do likewise. The children are an example for us to follow in singing from the heart.

An important part of our worship is singing to the Lord. It is through ". . . singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord" (Ephesians 5:19), that we offer our praise to God. He wants us to sing to Him from our hearts. When we are filled with God's love, joy, and peace, it has to expressed. Singing is one of the best ways. In my daily worship, I need two books. Of course, the Bible is number one, but I also use the hymn book. So many times, I will meditate upon a passage of Scripture that brings a song to my heart. I sing it to Him.

In the dark night of the soul, there has to be a song. Singing to the Lord is helpful during the valley experiences of life. Paul and Silas proved the value of singing to the Lord while in prison. "Around midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening" (Acts 16:25, NLT). God was at work, and the prison guard wanted to be saved. Through the song and testimony of Paul and Silas, he believed and was baptized.

Praise has been described as the language of heaven. Singing in heaven continues unto the Lord forever. In your valley moments, sing your way out. Singing to the Lord changes lives and circumstances. See what happens when you sing to the Lord.