Sunday, July 5, 2015

Your Friend Jesus

To the believer, Jesus is your Savior and Lord, but He is much more. He is your friend. An old hymn of the church says, "What a friend we have in Jesus." Do you think of Jesus as your friend? The Bible teaches that He is indeed the friend to all who follow Him. Jesus said, "I no longer call you servants, because a master doesn't confide in his servants. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me" (John 15:15, NLT).

Friends delight in talking with each other. Fellowship with a friend is always a delight. From our friends we receive loving care and support. So it is with your friend Jesus. He is always there for you. He wants you to talk with Him. He has so much to share with you. He speaks to you through the Bible. What a joy to have fellowship with your friend Jesus every day.

To have a friend, you must be a friend. Your friendship with Jesus is a mutual relationship. He never forces Himself on you. Friendship involves a desire on both parties to continue the fellowship. The truth is, you can get out of fellowship with the Lord. If you are out of fellowship with Him today, ask Him to forgive you. He certainly will, because He wants you to be His friend.

The great joy of knowing Jesus as your friend is to know that He is with you always. He will never leave you nor forsake you. You can talk to Him at any time about anything on your mind. You can depend upon His help and faithful support. What a friend you have in Jesus.