Thursday, August 20, 2015

Guard against Greed

Guard your life against greed. It is a cruel taskmaster, making a slave of you. Greed can never be satisfied. It lures with lust, self-pity, and frustration. Greed can never rest, because it can never be satisfied. It always demands more, but more is never enough.

The core problem of greed is unbelief. Greed can never trust God to provide. Faith will trust God to provide. One of God's covenant names in the Bible is Jehovah-jireh, "The LORD Will Provide" (Genesis 22:14, NLT). Greed snarls and mocks such a name. Greed can only trust in itself.

Greed leads to a life of constant dissatisfaction. Greed is never happy, because it can never be satisfied. To the contrary, Jehovah-jireh satisfies all who trust in Him. Faith receives from Him, because He is faithful and trustworthy. Those who trust in Him are blessed and content. "For he satisfies the thirsty, and fills the hungry with good things" (Psalm 107:9, NLT).

Greed never works alone. His partner is jealousy. Greed can never rejoice with others. Greed only desires to take what belongs to others. Greed causes jealousy, and jealousy produces more greed. The cycle is vicious and endless.

Repent of all greed. Reject its false promises. Turn to Jehovah-jireh. Trust Him to provide. He will always satisfy. The name Jehovah-jireh tells us who God is. He is the LORD who provides. Trust Him to provide for you.