Sunday, September 4, 2016

Find Real Joy

Is there joy in your life? That is God's will for you. God made you, and he made you in love to experience the joy of life. Joy is a fruit of God's love in your heart.

Joy can only be experienced in a relationship. You were not made to be alone. You were made for a relationship with God and others. Loneliness can never know God's joy for you.

Real joy comes from a personal relationship with God. He wants you to experience joy as a result of knowing his great love. God sent his Son Jesus into this world that you may have abundant life. It is abundant not because of gaining wealth and fame. It is an abundant relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

God's Spirit enables you to know love and joy through Christ. As you trust Jesus to change your life, the Holy Spirit comes to you with love which is unconditional, resulting in joy that is inexpressible. Believing is receiving God's love and joy in Christ.

"Though now you do not see Him,
yet believing, you rejoice with joy
inexpressible and full of glory."

1 Peter 1:8