Tuesday, August 21, 2018

On the Road Again

Life is a journey. We may stop for rest and relaxation, but we get on the road again. Say, are you on the right road? Do you know where this road will take you? It could be that you are just going along with the crowd, not thinking about your destination. Do you need to take another road? Is there a better way? Some people never think about the right direction, but they're on the road again.

Before you get on the road again, you may need to look at a map. Then, you can be sure of your destination, knowing it's the right way. It may be a long journey, but at least you are on the right road, moving in the right direction, sure of your destination. Other people may be glad just to take a road to see where it will take them. They may easily become very disappointed.

Life is a journey, where you are on the road again. You can be absolutely sure that you are going in the right direction, on the way to your destination. God has provided all of us a road map. It's called the Bible. It tells us of two roads. One is wide and popular with the crowd. The destination is really not good. The other road is narrow and far less people are on it. The destination is blessed forever. You will not be disappointed.

Jesus warned those on the road again to make sure. He said, "The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who take the easy way. But the gateway to life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it" (Matthew 7:13-14, NLT). On the road again, make sure it's the right one.