Saturday, January 12, 2019

God's Favor on You

After attending a church service where the people sang Amazing Grace, a child asked her dad, "What is grace?" He said to her, "Honey, let me put it this way. Grace is all about Jesus. When we know Jesus, we know God's grace." She was satisfied with his answer, so she smiled and said, "If it's about Jesus, it has to be good."

Grace is a person. His name is Jesus. "And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace" (John 1:16). The word grace means favor, even God's favor. If you want God's favor on your life, it comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

God's grace is unmerited favor. We will never earn nor deserve God's favor. Those who are trying to impress God with what they have done will be disappointed. It's not what we have done for God, but what He has done for us in Christ. Grace is God's favor on you, even unmerited favor.

God's favor is grace greater than all of your sins. Jesus died for your sins on the cross. He was raised from the dead to be your living Lord and Savior. God's all sufficient grace for you is all about Jesus. That's the good news of Christ, who is the grace of God. In Christ alone is God's favor on you.