Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The Friend You Need

To know Jesus in a faith relationship is to know the friend you need. Do you have that kind of relationship with Him? He wants to be your friend. He says to you, and all who trust Him, "I have called you friends" (John 15:15). What a friend we have in Jesus.

Jesus is the friend always there for you. He is always there, because He lives in your heart as a believer. Christ is your constant companion through "His Spirit who dwells in you" (Romans 8:11). He is closer to you than any friend you could ever have.

The love of Jesus is with you and in your heart. His love for you is forever. Nothing, not even death, shall be able to separate you from "the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:39).

Jesus is there for you in every situation of life, when you laugh or cry, when you are sick or well, when you feel good or when you are depressed. Never beg Him to be there for you. He is there, always there. You may not always feel His presence, but He is always there for you.

Friends talk about everything. Jesus talks with you through words of Scripture. He brings thoughts to mind. You talk to Him about everything on your mind. Expect His counsel. Trust Him for encouragement. The friend you need forever is Jesus.