Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Dealing with Your Doubts

"Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts?" (Luke 24:38). Doubts may come as a normal part of life. Believers in Jesus Christ are not exempt from doubt. When you have doubts, don't ignore them. They never go away, if you ignore them. Recognize them and face them honestly. Face your doubts until faith defeats every one.

Deal with your your doubts in prayer. Confess your doubts to God. He already knows what's in your heart, but prayer seeks His help. God's help can easily dispel every doubt. Recognize that doubt is not only an academic issue. It's a spiritual conflict. Doubts may become stronger, if you refuse to seek God's help.

Deal with your doubts through Bible study. Your faith depends upon your knowledge of God's Word. Scripture is said to be the sword of the Spirit. It is the greatest offensive weapon in your battle against doubt. As you read the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to be your teacher, guiding you into all truth.

Find people to help in dealing with your doubts. Discuss them with a believer, teacher, or pastor, who can encourage you in the faith. Other believers have had the same doubts. Don't hide them in darkness. Shine the light of God's Word on them. Listen to teachers and pastors who will instruct you in the Word of truth.