Thursday, July 2, 2020

Live In Peace

There may be times when you are so focused on a problem that you have no peace. Trying to sleep at night can be difficult when your mind swirls with thoughts that disturb you. Without peace there can be no rest. What should you do when your mind is troubled? 

God can give you peace of mind. It comes simply by focusing your attention on the one who has the answers to your problems. Turn the eyes of your heart upon Jesus. He is with you always. Enter into conversational prayer with him. "His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7, NLT). Living in peace is living in Christ.

Prayer is two-way communication. We share our thoughts with the Lord. He shares his thoughts with us. The Bible is filled with the thoughts of God. As we meditate upon him and his word, peace is sure to come. Recognizing his presence always brings peace.

Having a troubled mind is a real opportunity to find peace of mind through the one who is the Prince of peace. His name is Jesus. He's with you now and always. This is a good time to talk to him. Find the peace of mind that he can give you. Live in peace.