Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Live in Peace

Guard your mind from thoughts that will rob you of peace. The mind needs to be guarded from thoughts which bring confusion, anxiety, fear, and discouragement. You are what you think. Thoughts can defeat you. Thoughts may depress you. The wrong thoughts can easily confuse you. Those are reasons to guard your mind.

"And the peace of God . . . will guard your minds and hearts" (Philippians 4:7). Your mind will serve you well in making decisions, when you rely upon the peace of God. When peace is not found, it is a warning sign that you have gone astray. Every believer should walk in the peace of God. Peace is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Your mind is renewed to know God's will by the Holy Spirit. Peace confirms it. Guard your mind and live in peace.

God our Father gives you peace to guard your mind and heart. When you lose peace of mind, the Holy Spirit points your attention to the real problem. Renew your mind to live in peace, focused upon God, through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Pull down thoughts that rob you of peace, and bring them to God in prayer.

When you don't have peace of mind, recognize it as a spiritual issue. Reflect on your relationship with God. Meditate upon Scripture verses like Philippians 4:7. Then, you are able to think God's thoughts for you. Submit your thoughts to God and live in peace.