Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Your Light Has Come

Life can be nothing but darkness, blinding you not to understand who you are, and not to see your purpose in life. Darkness brings confusion and blindness. Those who grope in darkness lose hope. They just can't find their way. When there is light, your life is changed. Everything changes.

No person can defeat the darkness of life. He may hate the darkness, but its power confines him. He may curse the darkness, but that changes nothing. Darkness has the power to blind and bind a person, and hope cannot be found. But, when your light has come, then you see life anew.  

When your light comes, then you can see who you really are. Light enables you to look into the mirror of truth. You see yourself needing God's grace to forgive all of your sins. Most of all, you see the truth of God's love and mercy at the cross of Jesus. You see the One who loves you and gave Himself for you. There you see how much God loves you.

When your light comes, then you see the path for you in life. You see your purpose and destiny. You see where you belong, and where you are needed. Your darkness of confusion is broken. Light has overcome the darkness in your life.

Light has a name. His name is Jesus. He said, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life" (John 8:12). He is your light out of all darkness. When your light comes, you know who Jesus is. He becomes for you the light of life.