Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Be Free from Guilt

Guilt robs your mind of peace. It attacks your conscience with tormenting thoughts. Guilt constantly reminds its victim of failure with shame. Guilt takes the heart captive with no hope of a better day. Guilt is a chain of bondage to your past.

Is there a way to be free from guilt? So many have tried and failed. Take your guilt to the one who can surely set you free. Jesus has the power to release you from the bondage of guilt. He is qualified, because he died for all our sins. He lives to deliver us from all guilt. Jesus said to a sinful woman, Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more (John 8:11). Jesus has no desire to condemn you. He came to die for our sins and take away our guilt.

Legalistic religion delights in condemning people to put a heavier load of guilt upon them. However, Jesus delights in setting people free from sin and the bondage of guilt. Self-righteous people try to make themselves feel better by condemning others. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved (John 3:17).

Be free from the bondage to your past. Meet God at the cross of Jesus. Believe that He suffered to die in your place, for your sins. Confess your sins to God. Receive cleansing and forgiveness through Christ. Believe the good news. You are forgiven of all your sins in Jesus Christ our Lord. Be free from the sin of your past by faith in Christ alone.