Thursday, October 26, 2023

God Is with You

Fear no evil, when you know that God walks with you. Yes, we live in a world where evil is a reality. But, you need not fear any evil. God is greater than any evil you may face. Boldly say before God, Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me (Psalm 23:4).

Most of us recognize God on the mountain top experience. It's full of joy and delight. God is with you and you know it. The God on the mountain is still God in your valley. The scenery changes, but God changes not. He is still with you, even when suffering and pain come your way.

Where are you today? Oh, I hope that you are on the mountain with God. However, many are walking through the valley this very day. God may work through you to walk with someone through the valley. People around you may be in a valley experience. Your listening ear and understanding heart can be a blessing to them. When you have walked through your valley, you know how to encourage others in the valley.

Fear lurks in the shadows to attack the faith of God's children. But remember, fear is a choice that may be refused through faith in the God who leads us through the valley. It's not so much where you walk today, it's about the One who walks with you. He is the same God everywhere, even in your valley. God walks with you.