Thursday, October 3, 2024

God's Mercy for You

God's mercy is for you. God's mercy was displayed on a hill outside of Jerusalem. Jesus suffered and died for sinners like you and me. Justice demands eternal judgment for all who have sinned. Justice was served at the cross, when Jesus paid the full price for our sins. Believers now receive mercy, because justice was served for us in Christ crucified.

Mercy brings good news. Justice says, "Because you are guilty of breaking God's law, you deserve eternal judgment." Mercy says, "You are guilty, but Jesus took your judgment at the cross." Justice was served on your behalf, that you may receive mercy. God's mercy for the guilty is at the cross of Jesus, who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised for our justification (Romans 4:25).

Mercy is found in Christ crucified. As you look at God's mercy at the cross of Jesus, receive mercy to take away all of your sins. Believe in God's Son. Jesus was raised from the dead to prove every believer's justification from all sins. 

Refuse to live with the guilt and shame of your sins. Thank God for his mercy toward you at the cross of Jesus. Accept your justification through the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. The cross of Jesus and his empty tomb is where guilt and shame lose power over your life. That's God's mercy for you.