Friday, December 29, 2023

We Need Each Other

We need each other. Everybody does. That's the reason we need family, friends, and church. Sooner or later, we all have needs. Life can be overwhelming. We all need the Lord, but we also need others who support us and care for us. 

We need the support of others, giving as well as receiving. We all need to be needed. There are many in this world who need your friendship, care, and support. Receiving support from others is important, but giving support to others is more important. And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others (Romans 12:5, NLT). That's life in the family of God. As a believer in Christ, that's where you belong.

Our need is the same need of many others. Find your place of service. Discover the joy of receiving and giving support with others. Someone needs you today. Your ministry to others is in your heart. God put it there. How do you want to help others? That's the way God wants to use you, serving Him by serving others. Where others need you, God will use you.

Thank God for others brought into your life to encourage you, love you, support you, and minister to you. All of us need others. God has made us that way. Remember, there are others who need you. We need those who support us. For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself (Romans 14:7).